Nephi’s Quotations of Isaiah

Introduction to Isaiah

2 Nephi 11:8
Nephi explains he will be quoting from Isaiah’s writings in hopes that readers may relate to his words.

The Mountain of the Lord

2 Nephi 12:1–2
In the last days, God’s House will be established in the mountains.
2 Nephi 12:3–4
Many people will come to the mountains to learn of the Lord.

The Lord’s Ultimate Power

2 Nephi 12:5
The house of Jacob should return to the Lord.
2 Nephi 12:6–9
The house of Jacob has abandoned God by pursuing sorcery and idolatry.
2 Nephi 12:10–11
The wicked would do well to avoid the glorious presence of the Lord; prideful people will all be humbled or humiliated.
2 Nephi 12:12–16
No power is a match for God’s power.
2 Nephi 12:17–19
Only the Lord will prevail, the proud will fall, and hide themselves in fear.
2 Nephi 12:20–22
The rich and prideful will abandon their belongings and run for their lives, terrified of God’s judgment.

Jerusalem and Judah’s Leaders’ Demise

2 Nephi 13:1–5
Jerusalem and Judah’s government, military, educational, and religious leaders will fall, and the nation will fall under despotic reign at the hands of youthful puppets.
2 Nephi 13:6–7
Citizens will frantically scramble to appoint leaders, but in vain.
2 Nephi 13:8–12
Jerusalem and Judah’s corruption will yield doom for the wicked; but the righteous need not fear.
2 Nephi 13:13–15
God will judge and reprove the wicked.

The Daughters of Zion Denounced

2 Nephi 13:16–17
The Lord will curse the vain daughters of Zion with scabby baldness.
2 Nephi 13:18–23
The Lord will take away all their jewelry and accessories.
2 Nephi 13:24-31, 14:1
The daughters of Zion will lose all their appeal, and will be stricken with misery and affliction.

The Branch of the Lord

2 Nephi 14:2–6
The survivors of God’s wrath will be clean and blessed; the Lord will again look after his people.

Parable of the Vineyard

2 Nephi 15:1–2
A man took great care in planting and building a vineyard.
2 Nephi 15:3–4
After all that care and work, why was the fruit bad?
2 Nephi 15:5–6
The poor produce is reason to abandon the vineyard.
2 Nephi 15:7
The vineyard is Judah; the man is God, who wants righteousness from his people, but does not get it.

Woes for the Wicked

2 Nephi 15:8–10
Woe on greedy—their ventures will fail.
2 Nephi 15:11–12
Woe on the drunkard.
2 Nephi 15:13–14
Hell’s gates widen to welcome the wicked.
2 Nephi 15:15–17
The wicked are torn down, and the Lord is brought up.
2 Nephi 15:18–23
Woe on those who distort right and wrong.
2 Nephi 15:24–25
They will be devoured in flames, rot away, and be smitten.
2 Nephi 15:26–30
God’s wrath will be clearly demonstrated.

Isaiah’s Vision and Calling

2 Nephi 16:1–4
Isaiah sees in vision God on his throne.
2 Nephi 16:5
Isaiah mourns his unworthiness.
2 Nephi 16:6–8
Isaiah is cleansed from his sin; God calls him to be a prophet.
2 Nephi 16:9–10
God instructs Isaiah to go preach to unbelieving and hardhearted people.
2 Nephi 16:11
Isaiah asks God how long the people will be unbelieving.
2 Nephi 16:11–13
God replies that it will be so until the people are scattered and a remnant is brought back.

War Against Jerusalem

2 Nephi 17:1
The King of Syria and the King of Israel (Ephraim) unsuccessfully attack King Ahaz at Jerusalem (Judah).
2 Nephi 17:2
Ahaz (Judah, the house of David) frightfuly learns that Syria has joined forces with Ephraim.
2 Nephi 17:3–6
God tells Isaiah to go and meet Ahaz, the king of Judah, to tell him to not be afraid and to warn him about Rezin (Syria) and Pekah (Ephraim) who are plotting to depose Ahaz and replace him with the Son of Tabeal as a puppet king.
2 Nephi 17:7–9
God assures Isaiah that Rezin of Damascus (Syria) and Pekah of Samaria (Ephraim) will soon fall.
2 Nephi 17:10–11
The Lord tells Ahaz to ask for an extravagant sign.
2 Nephi 17:12
Ahaz declines.
2 Nephi 17:13–17
The Lord promises to give a sign anyway: A virgin will give birth to a son.

Future Trials for Judah

2 Nephi 17:18–20
The Lord will summon pestilence and plague upon Judah.
2 Nephi 17:21–25
The land will be left desolate.

Damascus and Samaria Fall

2 Nephi 18:1–2
God tells Isaiah to write the word ”Maher–shalal–hash–baz”in front of witnesses; his wife then bears a child who is given that name.
2 Nephi 18:3–4
The Lord warns that the northern strongholds of Damascus (Syria) and Samaria (Israel) will be plundered by the King of Assyria during the child’s infancy.
2 Nephi 18:5–8
Like an overwhelming flood, the king of Assyria will surround the prideful kingdom Judah.
2 Nephi 18:9–10
Brace for impact! Destruction is imminent, and the Lord will be vindicated.

Fear God

2 Nephi 18:11–17
People should heed God, and not men.
2 Nephi 18:18–22
God is to be found by seeking according to the light within.

A Child Is Born

2 Nephi 19:1
Those in anguish will find peace.
2 Nephi 19:2–5
The people have reason for rejoicing and relief.
2 Nephi 19:6–7
The prophesied child will be the mighty King of the Jews, to sit on the throne of David.

The Lord ’s Anger at Israel’s Arrogance

2 Nephi 19:8–12
Samaria (Ephraim) dismisses God’s warnings, so the Syrians and Philistines invade.
2 Nephi 19:13–17
Even in their afflictions, the people fail to turn to the Lord.
2 Nephi 19:18–21
Wickedness has the effect of fire bringing about chaos and destruction.
2 Nephi 20:1–4
Corruption will receive its due.

Assyria Is God’s Instrument

2 Nephi 20:5–11
God commanded Assyria to plunder Jerusalem, but not exterminate it; Assyria, boasting, has its own agenda to dominate the world.
2 Nephi 20:12–14
God will eliminate Assyria as soon as the work of destruction is done in Jerusalem.
2 Nephi 20:15–19
Tools have nothing to boast of to their users; the prideful will be cursed.

The Remnant of Israel to Return

2 Nephi 20:20–23
Spared by the Lord’s grace, a part of Israel will be gathered.

The Destruction of the Assyrian Army

2 Nephi 20:24–27
God tells Zion not be be afraid of Assyria, for they will be destroyed in due time.
2 Nephi 20:28–32
Assyria’s destruction is catalogued.
2 Nephi 20:33–34
The Lord will smite the wicked with his mighty power.

The Branch From Jesse

2 Nephi 21:1–5
The stem of Jesse will be the example of righeousness.
2 Nephi 21:6–10
Peace and harmony will prevail.

The Gathering of Israel

2 Nephi 21:11
The Lord will begin to gather Israel.
2 Nephi 21:12–16
An ensign will be raised to lead the way to Zion.

Songs of Praise and Thanksgiving

2 Nephi 22:1–3
Trust in God yields salvation.
2 Nephi 22:4–6
Sing praises to the Lord.

Prophecy Against Babylon

2 Nephi 23:1–8
God prepares to destroy Babylon.
2 Nephi 23:9–10
Signs and wonders in the sky will accompany God’s wrath.
2 Nephi 23:11–13
God will punish the world’s wickedness.
2 Nephi 23:14–16
The proud will all be humbled.
2 Nephi 23:17–18
The Medes (Persian Empire) will be the means of Babylon’s destruction.
2 Nephi 23:19–22
Babylon’s doom is apparent.

Mercy for Israel

2 Nephi 24:1-3
Amid God’s anger, Israel will receive mercy and deliverance.

The Fall of Babylon

2 Nephi 24:4-6
The people rejoice over their deliverance from Babylon.
2 Nephi 24:7-11
Peace and happiness is enjoyed.
2 Nephi 24:12-15
Babylon falls like the morning star.
2 Nephi 24:16-17
Those who once feared Babylon will mock it.
2 Nephi 24:18-20
Babylon’s fall will be unceremonious and disgraceful.
2 Nephi 24:21-23
Babylon’s remnant will also be destroyed.

Prophecy Against Assyria

2 Nephi 24:24-25
Assyria will be destroyed.
2 Nephi 24:26-27
This is all part of the master’s grand design.

Prophecy Against the Philistines

2 Nephi 24:28-32
Famine will cripple the Philistines, who are celebrating their victories.