“It will be recollected by all”


Geauga Gazette

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Geauga Gazette (Painesville, Ohio) (26 July 1831): 2.

It will be recollected by all interested in the subject, that we published in the Gazette of April 19th a letter from Elder Swaze on the subject of Mormonism. Some time since we received a letter from the Elder, pointing out several typographical errors, and requesting a correction.

The original was published in our absence, and the letter was received in a moment of haste and thrown aside and forgotten. We proceed to correct the errors:—

In an extract from the 65th page of the Mormon Bible our publication has it, “they have remained forever”—the manuscript is “they would have remained forever.” In the passage mentioning a conversation with a lady, the period should be after the word “lady.” The phrase “enabling them to work a miracle on me,” should read “challenging them,” &c.—“But you in inquire the cause,” should read “but you injure, &c.”

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