The Relationship Between Faith and Hope

Daniel H. Ludlow

Faith is frequently listed as the first principle of revealed religion. However, Mormon raises the question as to whether or not hope does not precede faith: “How is it that ye can attain unto faith, save ye shall have hope?” (Moroni 7:40.) He next lists what we must have hope for—the atonement of Jesus Christ, the power of his resurrection, a hope in life eternal, etc. Then he continues: “Wherefore, if a man have faith he must needs have hope; for without faith there cannot be any hope.” (Moroni 7:42.) Evidently Moroni, who records this sermon given by his father, learns these teachings very well, for in his later writings when he discusses faith and hope, Moroni also concludes: “… if there must be faith there must also be hope.” (Moroni 10:20.)

A Companion To Your Study of The Book of Mormon
