Moroni 7:39-40

Brant Gardner

In verse 4 of this chapter, Mormon had said: “And now my brethren, I judge these things of you because of your peaceable walk with the children of men.” Now he returns to that Apostolic declaration to place even more emphasis on it: “I judge better things of you.” What does he mean by that?

In this case, the judgment continues to be more of an Apostolic blessing. He has judged his people and found them good. The “better things” are that they are able to move to the next important phase of Christian life beyond repentance and faith. Therefore, Mormon turns to the concept of hope. He begins with the rhetorical question, “How is it that ye can attain unto faith, save ye shall have hope?” The obvious desired answer is that it could not be done, but now he needs to explain why that might be true. What is this hope? The next verses begin to answer the question.

Book of Mormon Minute
