Moroni 6:7-8

Brant Gardner

As in any family, any community, life is not a continually smooth path. There would be no need to have the community care for the “welfare of their souls” (verse 5 in this chapter) if there were no threats to those souls.

Thus, the next responsibility is not directed to the freshly repentant and baptized, but to the members of the community who must live their lives as best they can. Thus, while they try to keep iniquity out of their lives, it will enter in for some. The principle of repentance returns to primary importance.

The community cares for those who desire to be a part of the community. If a member were to sin and not repent, “their names were blotted out.” They had not fulfilled the requirement to be a part of the community. Nevertheless, repentance was primary, and “as oft as they repented … they were forgiven.”

Book of Mormon Minute
