Why is it important to “always remember” the Savior?

Thomas R. Valletta

“The Book of Mormon provide[s] us with direction from prophets who warn us to preserve and enlarge our own memory of God’s mighty deeds and with the terms of the covenant that make us the people of God. These records teach us that we must neither forget what God has done nor what we have covenanted to do. The result of forgetting is to begin following some unholy tradition into darkness and sin. Instead, we must ‘always remember him, and keep his commandments’ (Moroni 4:3) and be willing to take upon us the name of Jesus Christ, for to forget the sacrifice offered by our Lord for our sins by not keeping the commandments is to offend God” (Midgley, “Ways of Remembrance,” 176).

The Book of Mormon Study Guide: Start to Finish
