Mormon 3:17-19

Brant Gardner

In the previous verse, verse 16, Mormon indicated that he was a witness to his people’s destructive decisions. Verse 17 gives us his conclusion of what he would do rather than lead his people. He would attempt to lead a future people that he would never meet. He wrote, and notes in these two verses, that he is writing to the gentiles and to the house of Israel. Mormon could not lead his people back, but he commends that task to the gentiles and the house of Israel “when the work shall commence, that ye shall be about to prepare to return to the land of your inheritance.” Future generations should prepare for the gathering in which Mormon’s Nephites could not participate.

Finally, he writes to those who are the remnants of the New World house of Judah, those remaining descendants of Lehi, or those adopted into their blessings. His message will also be directed to them.

Book of Mormon Minute
