Jesus Quotes Malachi 3–4

John W. Welch

Jesus then quotes the last two chapters of Malachi. Why didn’t he give them chapters 1–2 as well? At least for purposes of discussion, I assume that they had those chapters already. But even if they didn’t, we cannot fully understand chapters 3 and 4 without also reading Malachi 1–2.

We should also note that when Moroni appeared to Joseph Smith on September 21, 1823, he quoted a version of Malachi 4:5–6 (see D&C 2:1–3). So, it is interesting that Moroni begins the opening of the Restoration exactly where Jesus left off at the end of his Covenant Sermon and scripture additions on Day 2, about the final stage in the sacred history of the world.

What reasons might Jesus have had for quoting these two chapters in particular? Remember that he met again with these people, on Day 2, near their temple and with their children. So, as you read these two chapters from the book of Malachi, see how many correspondences you can spot between the words in the book of Malachi and the words or themes of the temple. Here is a list of possible temple elements in the chapters and verses of Malachi:

Possible Temple Elements Reflected in Malachi 1–2


Temple Reference


the law of obedience


evil speaking of, despising with contempt, desecrating the Lord’s name


not polluting the bread on the altar or table of the Lord

1:8, 10, 14

making an acceptable sacrifice and sacred vows to God

1:8, 9

praying for God’s graciousness and asking him to give regard


the Lord’s name, that it will be great in all nations


incense and pure offerings, with prayers, shall go up in all places


priesthood authority, curses for not glorifying God’s name


keeping the covenant of life and peace


the law of truth


not dealing treacherously with a brother; not profaning the holy


cutting off any man who profanes the covenant


keeping the law of chastity; fidelity to spouse and God


hating divorce; covering violence with a garment


preparing for the coming judgment of God

Possible Temple Elements Reflected in Malachi 3–4 (3 Nephi 24–25)


Temple Reference

3:1 (24:1)

the coming of a messenger of the covenant “suddenly to his temple”


making pure consecration of tithes and offerings


rebuking Satan, the devourer


being called “blessed” in a delightsome land


abiding the day of his coming judgment


those who fear the Lord speaking often one to another


keeping a book of remembrance of the names of the righteous


treasuring people as jewels, as a man spareth his own son


being able to discern between the good and the evil

4:2 (25:2)

The Sun (Son) of Righteousness shall heal the sick


remembering the Ten Commandments given at Mount Sinai


sending the prophet Elijah


bringing parents and children, ancestors and posterity, together


hating divorce; covering violence with a garment


preparing for the coming judgment of God

I am happy to thank the late Marshall Goodrich of Portland, Oregon, one of my missionary companions and scripture class members, for expanding and sharing this list of temple elements and covenantal connections in the book of Malachi. All of them, and several others as well, are well worth pondering, not only in the context of the temple in Bountiful but also, especially, in relation to our own experiences, with and for our own posterity and progenitors, in the Lord’s holy temples that now dot the earth.

John W. Welch Notes
