“Wicked Even Like Unto the Lamanites”

Brant Gardner

Mormon’s hint that things would get worse when Moronihah regained only half of the territory now is spelled out. (See commentary accompanying Helaman 4:14–16.) The Nephites were still a people who had abandoned their God. Now they have abandoned Mosiah’s laws. When Mormon tells us that “they were wicked even like unto the Lamanites,” he is using his stereotype of Lamanite culture. Lamanite culture is antithetical to Nephite egalitarianism. Therefore, as the Nephites are becoming cultural Lamanites they adopt a cultural wickedness. Individual Nephites are not turning from good works to theft and murder but to the Lamanite lifestyle. As I read the situation, these Nephites would doubtless proclaim that the Lamanite lifestyle was what they wanted and they were willing to sell their religion and government to have it.

Text: There is no chapter break here in the 1830 edition.

Second Witness: Analytical & Contextual Commentary on the Book of Mormon, Vol. 5
