Abr. 3:4, 5:13; D&C 38:2; 130:7; Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, p. 220; The Book of Mormon: Jacob Through Words of Mormon, Packer, BYU Religious Studies Center, p. 24
“Abraham was told that one revolution (or day) on Kolob equals a thousand of our years (Abraham 3:4). If one were to carry the ratio down to smaller units of time we see some interesting implications.
Kolob Time Earth Time
1 day 1,000 years
1 hour 41.67 years
1 minute 253 days
1 second 4.22 days
.25 second 1.1 days
.01 second 1 hour
Think of the implications of that. While a person on Kolob takes a two-hour nap, a person on Earth is born, lives to the age of eighty, and dies before the other awakens. One blink on the part of a Kolobian and he misses one whole day of ours.” (Gerald Lund, First Nephi, The Doctrinal Foundation, pp. 158-159)