“After the Harlot Isabel”

Joseph F. McConkie, Robert L. Millet

Third, Corianton associated himself with the wrong types of persons. In the Lord’s work, especially in the case of full-time missionaries, there are certain locations and certain people that are off-limits, taboo, forbidden.

We are not to flirt with temptation, not to deliberately approach the line of sin to see how close we can come without falling into overt transgression. Rather, we are to stay as far away from sin as we can. ’There are two influences in the world today, “ said President George Albert Smith,”and have been from the beginning.

One is an influence that is constructive, that radiates happiness and builds character. The other influence is one that destroys, turns men into demons, tears down and discourages. We are all susceptible to both.

Doctrinal Commentary on the Book of Mormon, Vol. 3
