Amulek Teaches to Pray Always

John W. Welch

We know that the Zoramites left Zarahemla because, among other things, they were not willing to observe the performances of the church of praying daily to avoid entering into temptation. The Zoramites were praying only once a week (Alma 31:10, 12).

Thus, building on what Alma had taught about prayer in Alma 33, Amulek taught in this chapter that people must indeed pray morning, noon and night. The invitation and mandate to pray to God in the Temple was sung countless times in the Psalms. David set the orthodox example by praying and crying aloud “evening, and morning, and at noon” (Psalms 55:17), as Amulek also insisted. In Jerusalem, the Shofar would blow at the times designated for daily prayer as well as on the full moon, the new moon, and on feast days (Psalms 81:3). The Zoramites objected to that. Alma and Amulek wanted to be sure that their unobservant behavior was counteracted. They taught their people to pray constantly so that guidance and revelation could continue to be given throughout their daily lives.

John W. Welch Notes
