What does it mean to have spotless garments?

Thomas R. Valletta

Garments are various articles of clothing used to dress the body. They may be worn for utilitarian or religious purposes or both. The Lord made ‘coats of skins’ for Adam and Eve to cover their nakedness. (Gen. 3:21.) …

“Much that is sacred and symbolical is taught by reference to garments.…

“Symbolism is used in latter-day revelation: ‘Cleanse your hearts and your garments, lest the blood of this generation be required at your hands,’ the Lord says. (D&C 112:33; 88:85; 135:5.)

“Clean garments are a sign of cleanliness, perfection, and salvation. To gain salvation men must [symbolically] wash their garments in the blood of the Lamb” (McConkie, Mormon Doctrine, 303–4; see also commentary in this volume on Alma 5:21–22).

The Book of Mormon Study Guide: Start to Finish
