Alma 2:30 Textual Variants

Royal Skousen
and it came to pass that Alma [he >js NULL 1|he A| BCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRST] being a man of God being exercised with much faith [& he >js NULL 1|and he A| BCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRST] cried saying …

Here we have two instances where Joseph Smith removed the redundant subject pronoun he in his editing for the 1837 edition. The first one is like the he that Joseph deleted earlier in verse 16:

As discussed under Alma 2:16, the redundant he before the present participle being will be restored in both verses 16 and 30.

When deleting the second redundant he in verse 30, Joseph Smith also deleted the preceding and. His purpose here was not only to remove a redundancy but also to avoid a non-English Hebrew-like construction where and precedes the main clause after a present participial clause. Such examples are fairly prevalent in the original text when the participial clause involves some additional clausal element. Here in Alma 2:30, we have the additional present participial clause “being exercised with much faith”. Here are two similar examples elsewhere in the original text:

Like Alma 2:30, this Hebraistic construction has been removed from the text for these two examples (see under each of these passages for discussion). The critical text will restore the original reading here in Alma 2:30 and elsewhere. For further discussion, see under hebraisms in volume 3.

Summary: Restore in Alma 2:30 the original Hebraistic and that occurs after the present participial clause and before the main clause; also restore the two redundant occurrences of the subject pronoun he in this verse.

Analysis of Textual Variants of the Book of Mormon, Part. 3
