Mosiah 29:30-32

Brant Gardner

The voice of the people has been elevated to a more important status; thus Mosiah admonishes the people that they too have the responsibility to act “in the fear of the Lord.” One of the consequences of the greater responsibility is a shift in the nature of how the community is perceived. When there is a king, the people follow the king and the king’s unrighteousness is laid at his own feet for leading his people astray.

With the increased importance of the voice of the people comes an increased responsibility. Because the people have been more empowered, they are also potentially more culpable. They are not to blame if leaders fall into sin, but only if they allow those leaders to remain in positions where they can influence the people to also stray from Jehovah’s commandments.

Mosiah finishes this section with a renewal of the promise of the land. It continues to be a land of liberty, but only upon principles of righteousness. Although the nature of the government is changing, the essential covenant remains. The people are simply even more responsible for social righteousness that will allow all to prosper.

Book of Mormon Minute
