2 Nephi 10:22-25

Brant Gardner

The conclusion of Jacob’s sermon returns its focus directly on Jacob’s audience. Jehovah has from time to time lead children of Israel away from the original land. Nevertheless, Jehovah remembers all of them. As the Nephites are also a people who have been broken off, they too will be remembered.

If Jehovah remembers them, then they must remember Jehovah. Thus, Jacob returns to the discussion of Jehovah’s plan for the earth. Jacob’s people are not only able to act for themselves, they must act for themselves. However, it is only through acting according to Jehovah’s laws that the blessings will apply.

Jacob’s admonition that it is only through the grace of God that his audience is saved is a throwaway line for modern Christianity. For Jacob’s audience, it was part of the choice that had to be made. There were indigenous peoples among them who had brought beliefs with them. Jacob has spoken against idolatry and believing in their own wisdom. Therefore, in the context of the times, this declaration that it was only through the grace of God that they would be saved is a plea for them to repent, to forsake their previous religious ideas, and follow the strait path of Jehovah’s plan.

Book of Mormon Minute
