Christ Keeps Watch Over the Gate to Salvation

John W. Welch

As the High Priest, Jacob would have stood guard over the gates and the holiness of the House of the Lord. Entering the temple can cast our minds forward to the time when we will come to the gate that is kept by the Holy One. Meeting Christ on that occasion is what we each have to look forward to, knowing that He will be there, that he is a person who knows exactly how you feel. He is the gatekeeper. He doesn’t employ any servant there. He is the one who stands in wait of you. We have "gates" of the temple that in many ways are like that gate. As we enter, we can be looking forward to the time we will enter completely into his presence and joy. What role then do the covenants made in the temple play in our passage through that eternal portal? And what does it mean to you that Christ keeps watch over that gate Himself? Jacob would like us to think about that more often.

John W. Welch Notes
