Who are the “prey” and the “mighty”?

Thomas R. Valletta

“The context of [Isa. 49:24, which Jacob is quoting] tells us that prey/captives refers to God’s ‘covenant people,’ who are in bondage to the gentiles. The mighty (called ‘the terrible’ in [Isaiah] 49:25) could also refer to Satan, who makes us his captives when we sin. The prey shall indeed be ‘taken from the mighty,’ by God, who is mightier than all.

“The description of being made captive by legal right may suggest that Israel was taken legitimately according to the rules of warfare, or that she is captive to Satan according to the law of justice. But, in his mercy, God’s claim to his children supersedes the claims of all others” (Parry et al., Under­standing Isaiah, 436).

The Book of Mormon Study Guide: Start to Finish
